Brief bzgl. der geplanten gemeinsamen Reise nach Ägypten
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Societé d'Etudesdu Canal de SuezLondon 16th December 1847Dear Colleague;On Mr Robt. Stephenson's returnto London yesterday, I brought before him your valuedcommunication of the 8th instant, and I need not tell you,how gladly he would have accepted your proposition, had itbeen in his power to leave at the time you name, [viz]
the 15th February but this is quite impossible.We have also a letter of the 8th instant, from MonsieurTalabot, and as he says"Ce serait tout compromettre,"que de ne pas faire le voyage tous ensemble" Mr RobtStephenson is of opinion, that the present suggestion ofMons. Talabot will meet the views of all- postpone the departure for Egypt till the monthof October or November 1848 With Mr Talabot[he]Mons. L. Negrelli,Ingenieur& Chef de Chemins de ferde l'Etatà Vienne