Societé d'Etudesdu Canal de SuezLondon 30th Nov 1847My dear Sir;Mr. P. Talabot having writtento me, respecting the time of yourselves, & Mr. R Stephenson'sproceeding to Egypt, I am desired by the letter tosay, that it will be the end of this Year before hecould leave the Conway Bridge(supposing everything toproceed in the most favorable manner) or have anychance of fixing on a time for the Journey in question -& as even then, something else unforeseen mightarise to thwart the preconcerted arrangement, heprefers that Mr Talabot & yourself, should arrangebetween your two selves, the period for the start,hoping always he may contrive to join you.Nous L. Negrelli,Ingénieur & Chef des Chemins de Fer de l'Etat, à Vienne- Autriche.
Brief bzgl. der geplanten Expedition von Negrelli, Talabot und Stephenson
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