

Appointed by Her Majesty on the 29th April, 1872, to represent British and Colonial Exhibitors at the Universal Exhibition to be held at Vienna in 1873, and inserted in the London Gazette of 7th May 1872.

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, K.G., President.

The Right Honourable Sir Andrew Buchanan, G.C.B., Her Majestys Ambassador at the Court of Vienna.

IIis Serene Highness The Duke of Teck, G.C.B. His Serene Highness Count Gleichen, Captain,


The Marquis of Rifon, K.G., Lord President of the Council.

The Earl Catiicart, President of the Royal Agri­cultural Society of England.

The Earl Cowper, K.G.

The Lord Henry Gordon Lennox, M.P.

The Lord Acton.

The Right Honourable Hugh C. E. Childers, M.P., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

Sir Anthony de Rothschild, Bart.

Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., M.P.

Sir Francis Grant, President of the Royal Academy. Henry Arthur Brassey, Esq., M.P.

Thomas Hawksley, Esq., President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Philip Ccxliffe Owen, Esq., Secretary.

Her Majestys Commissioners having procured through the Austrian authorities, the latest official edition of the Austro-Hungarian Tariff of Import Duties upon Articles of British Produce and Manufactures, have caused the same to be translated and arranged for the convenience of British exhibitors in groups, in accordance with the classification of objects adopted for the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873.

It is to be observed that, according to the Official Begulations, the Exhibition grounds and buildings will be considered as a Bonded "Warehouse ; goods for exhibition will therefore be exempt from customs duties. Goods not returned to this country at the close of the Exhibition will, however, be liable to the rates of import duty as fixed by the Austro-Hungarian customs tariff.

41, Parliament Street, London,

April, 1873.

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