


I.Introductory Remarks - - - - - - - - - vii

II.Treaty of Commerce concluded between Austria and Great Britain, 16tii Decem­ber, 1865 ---------- - ix

III. ( a .)Extract from the Returnof the lowest and highest Rates of Import Duty levied by Austrian Customs Tariff upon the principal Articles of Merchandise in each of the Years 1860 and 1870 ------ xiii

III. ( h .)_List of the Quantities and Value of the Principal Articles of British Produce

and Manufacture Exported in 1871

(a.) to Austrian Territories ------- xv

( b .) TO THE DaNUBIAN PRINCIPALITIES - - - , - - - xvi

IV.Alphabetical Index of the principal Articles of British Manufacture and Produce

liable to Duty on Importation into the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy - - xvii

V.Austrian Tariff of Import Duties --------3

VI._Table of Austrian, English, and French Money, Weights, and Measures - - 71

VII.Protection of Industrial Designs and Inventions :

(a.)_ Special Law for the Protection of Objects Exhibited at the Universal

Exhibition in Vienna in 1873, dated 13th November, 1872 - '77

(&.)Special Regulations of the Minister of Commerce as to the Application

of this Law, dated 15th November, 1872- - - - - 79

(c.)S pecial Rules to be observed in applying for Certificate of Protection - 83

( d .)Official Correspondence relating to Certificates of Protection - - 90

VIII.Austrian Patent Laws :

I.Protection of New Discoveries, Inventions, and Improvements, 15th August

1852 . 91

II.Protection of Patterns and Models, 7th December, 1858 - - - - 108

III.Protection of Trade Marks, 7th December, 1858 - - - - 114

Supplement to Patent Laavs - , - - - - - -120

IX.Notice to Exhibitors when Travelling. Decree of the Austrian Minister of

Finance, 18th January, 1873 - -- -- -- - 124