
under any one denomination in such position, unless by common consent it is con­sidered expedient or necessary.


Should prices of any de- With reference to Article IV., the Plenipotentiaries likewise agreed that if it beei^essentia^iy disturb shall be found that the prices of any description of goods have been essentially ed during the year 1865, disturbed by exceptional causes during the twelve months of the year 1865, the endeavour to find a basis Commissioners oi the two Governments shall endeavour to tind such a basis ot value future years! 66 value f ° r f° r suc h goods as shall be considered a fair average value for future years, in the matter of textile In the matter of textile manufactures (the prices of which have been seriously iCcr may ctaim a c revf- deranged during the late war in the United States of America), it is agreed that if tiie 1 isVjanuary tl i868 fter average prices of the year 1865 be taken as a basis of value, either contracting party may claim a revision of such valuation after the 1st January, 1868.


Her Britannic Majesty The British Plenipotentiary then declared that

engages to recommend to TT . ,, r . - , , _ , .... ,

Parliament the abolition Pier Britannic Majesty engages to recommend to Parliament the abolition of the Groat ^Britain on wood duties payable on the importation of wood and timber into the United Kingdom, rrdUt£ ei of an dutiesmi and also the reduction of the duties payable on wine in bottle to the amount of wine in bottle. those payable on wine in wood, upon importation into the United Kingdom.


expoOTrags from ddie Austrian Plenipotentiaries in their part declared that

Austria shall be reduced The duty upon the export of rags from the States and Possessions of His Imperial ner from Tstjuiy! 18 G 6 . and Royal Majesty shall, from and after the 1st July, 1866, be reduced to 2 florins the zoll-centner; and

55SKiXnSh!to T1 . ie duty upon the im P ortati . on of salt herrings into the States and Possessions Austria shall bo reduced of His Imperial and Royal Majesty shall, from the 1st P'obruary, 1866, be reduced SntLr r fromTst P Febrm to 50 kreutzers the zoll-centner gross weight.

ary, 180(5.