mountain section, being exported in considerable quantities from all the sections. Oats, Rye, Barley and Buckwheat of the best quality are produced in the mountain section, but their culture extends, especially that of the first two, through the middle and eastern sections.

The Grasses, (including Clover,) flourish best in the moun­tain region and are found here the in greatest variety and perfection; those most cultivated are, (besides Clover,) Timothy (Alopecurus pratensis,) Orchard Grass, (Dactylis glomerata,) Blue Grass, (Poa pratensis,) and Herds Grass, (Agrostis vulgaris). But Clover and Orchard Grass are cultivated successfully and easily throughout the middle region, and in proper soils also in the eastern counties. Native (wild) grasses abound in the eastern as well as the mountain region and form good natural pasturage, upon which in ordinary seasons,Cattle and Sheep keep in good con­dition throughout the year, so that one of the most profitable pursuits in either section is Cattle and Sheep raising; and there is no part of the State where these occupations are not profitable, whenever pursued intelligently; but the mountain district is pre-eminently adapted to this branch of husbandry aud to Dairy Farming and Cheese Making . The latter industry has been introduced within a few years on the co-operative or New York plan, and has taken root in several counties. This region offers advantages over any other part of the continent, especially in the cheapness of land, favorable conditions of climate and proximity to the Atlantic seaboard and to the worlds markets.

Grapes. The whole of this State is notably adapted to the culture of the grape and the manufacture of wine. The proof of this is, first, that a considerable number of the best American grapes originated within its territory, such as the Catawba, Lincoln, Isabella, Scuppernong, &c.; second, the testimony of the best observers and growers of the Ohio Valley, and of the whole country, and third and chiefly, the success of the few intelligent experiments that have