

H.H. THE RAJAH OF CACH.Flax and ' INDIA MUSEUM, London. Raw Silk, Hemp from Kattyawar. (23) j Silk-thread, and Silkworm Cocoons from Bengal,

FRETWELL, V., Khandeish.Sxmn Fibre. I Pun J ab Assam M >' sore &c -

(21) I F. MOORE, India Museum , London .Col-

FOREST DEPARTMENT OF CENTRAL ° f the P nncl P al Silk-producing Insects of

PROVINCES.Various Fibres. !

PUNJAUB COMMITTEE.Seeds of Fibre- ! yielding Plants from Kangra and Amritsar, and 1 Hemp-bark or Bhang from Kashmere. 1

(129-1245, 352) |

AMRITSAR LOCAL COMMITTEE. : Specimens of Flax Fibre. (344351)

OUDE LOCAL COMMITTEE. Sunn, Hemp, and other Fibres. (300303) ;

CENTRAL JAIL, Bangalore. Various j Fibres. (132167) j

INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEE.Seed Cotton and Ginned Cotton, Flax, Hemp, and Hemp­string. (5859, 6668) j

BERAR LOCAL COMMITTEE.Sunn j and other hemps. (3738) j

DEPUTY-CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS, Berar.Fibres used in cordage.

GOVERNMENT OF BOMBAY, Berar Local Committee, &c.Cotton Collection from the Exhi­bition of 1872, above 700 specimens, consisting of soils and manures from Western India ; Agricultural Implements ; samples of Cotton Seed, Seed Cotton, and cleaned Cotton, used and produced in all parts of Western India; Foreign Cotton brought to Indian markets; Models and Photographs of Machines for cleaning Cotton, &c.; Cotton Dokras and Bales (half-pressed and full-pressed) ; Cotton Plants, dried and mounted, &c. ; Yarns and Twist; Models and Photographs of Machinery for spinning and weav­ing ; Materials used for dyeing; Tools and Imple­ments used in superficial ornamentation of Cloth; Apparel for Head Wear and for Body Wear ; Cotton Goods from Bombay, Sind, and Berar.

This valuable collection has been brought together chiefly by the active exertions of Messrs. Fitz Gerald and Dunlop, honorary secretaries to the Bombay and Berar Local Com­mittees respectively; of Major Moore, acting Cotton Com­missioner of Bombay, and others. Its arrangement in Lon­don in 1872 was superintended by Mr. H. Rivett-Carnac and Mr. Fitz Gerald, and it has been sent to Vienna at the request of the Austrian Government, preferred through Baron Max Kubcck.


BENGAL COMMITTEE.The Cocoons, Eggs, Larvae, &c., of various species of Silk-worms from Assam and other parts of Bengal; specimens of Raw Silk, Silk Thread, and Silk Waste from all parts of Bengal, contributed in part by Messrs. Lall Behari Dutt, Midnapore, Prankissen, Law 6c Co., and L. Payen & Co., Maldah.

(129, 124, 6971, 79)


BOMBAY COMMITTEE. Hides and Fea­thers from Kattyawar and Aden. (35, 18)

BENGAL COMMITTEE.Samples of Honey, Honey-comb, and Stick Lac from Gowalpara, Bhagulpur, and Sylhet. (461463, 489)

RAI PRITHEERAM CHOWDRY BA­HADUR, ZEMINDAR OF MECKPARA. Elephant Tusks and Rhinoceros Horns from Gowal­para. (459, 460)

AMRITSAR LOCAL COMMITTEE. Fourteen Animal Substances used in physic. (135) LEITNER, Dr., Punjab. Specimens of Himalayan Beetles. Collection of 1600 Himalayan Moths and Butterflies. (137)

INDIA MUSEUM, London. Edible Birds Nests from Burmah; Sharks Fins from Bombay; Honey and Beeswax from all parts of India ; Mara­bou Feathers from Calcutta; Isinglass from Bombay, Calcutta, and Burmah ; Cliank Shells in various stages of preparation and polished Bison Homs.

Section F. WOOL.

INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEE.Washed and Unwashed Wool. (2, 54)

INDIA MUSEUM, London. Pushm or Shawl-Wool from the Cabul and Cashmere goats; Sheeps-Wool and Lambs-Wool from Guzerat, Raj- pootana, Mysore, Kutcli and the Punjab; Yak- Wool from Tibet, and Camel-Wool from Sind and Indore.


H.M.S GUN CARRIAGE FACTORY, Madras.Indian Woods. (174202)

ELWYN, R. B., Madras.Woods used on Madras Railway. (203215)

SIMPSON 6c Co., Madras.Woods used in carriage-building. (216221)

MADRAS CENTRAL MUSEUM.Woods from Southern India. (222251)

MACGREGOR, A.Teak Saplings, planted ! between the years 1844 and 1863, showing the rate of growth of this timberobtained from Malabar.


MACGREGOR, A.Woods from Malabar District. (272285)

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