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MAISTRY H. SHUNKARIAH, Honsoor, Tanned Hides. (897899)

COMMISSARY OF ORDNANCE, Cctwn- pore.Raw Materials used in Saddlery, as samples of leather in various stages of manufacture, tanning and currying materials, See. ; Sets of Harness (for cavalry and artillery) See.

INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEE.Plain and coloured leather. (71,72)

BOURKE, Hon. R., London .An Afghan Saddle and Stirrups.


INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEE.Leopard and Buffalo Skins. (7374)

MICHAEL, Colonel, London .Tiger-skin, Bear-skin, and Leopard-skin Rugs.



MADRAS COMMITTEE.Set of Personal Ornaments used by the Khond tribes in Gumsoor, and Chinna Kimidi Maliahs of Ganjam, from Ganjam.


MADRAS COMMITTEE. Salagram Necklace obtained through Capt. F. Mackenzie.


MADRAS COMMITTEE.Various Articles of Silver, as a Goolab Peish, Anklets,Attar Dhan from Madras, Filagree Ornaments from Cuttack, Hookah, inlaid with silver, from Beeder, and a Gold Chain from Trichinopoly.

(912, 914, 900, 902, 955, 961)

ORR & SONS, P., Messrs. Madras . Bracelet of Jeypore Enamels set in gold. (9°3)

ALLAN & Co., Madras. Silver Filagree Articles. (904911, 913)

H.H. THE FIRST PRINCE OF TRA- VANCORE.Various Articles of Jewellery and Plate. (91593 2 » 95 69 6 o)

NATIVE EMPLOYE of Messrs. ORR & SONS, Madras.Silver Fruit Spoons. (933, 934)

MADRAS SCHOOL OF ART.Silver Salver. (935)

JEWELLER VITHELINGUM, Trichi­nopoly.Articles of Jewellery, (936944)

JEWELLER RUTHANUM, Trichinopoly ) Articles of Jewellery. (945951)

JEWELLER SERVIA, Madras.Articles of Jewellery and Silver-gilt Sawmy.

(95 2954> 962)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE.Head Ornaments from Dharwar; Silver Tray and other articles from Nassick. (1, 1317)

BADROODEEN ABDOOLALLY, Bombay. Collection of Sham Jewellery and Silver Armlets, Wristlets, Chains, Anklets, See. (2 6b)

H.H. THE RAO OF KUTCH.Silver Goblet, Tray, Kettle, See. (711)

H.H. MEER ALI MORAD.Set of Silver Cup, Saucer, See., from Kairpoor. (12)

BENGAL COMMITTEE.A Series of Tinsel imitations of the characteristic personal ornaments worn by the Natives of Bengal. Presented to the Vienna Exhibition by the late Baron Dowleans.


BENGAL COMMITTEE.A collection of imitation personal ornaments, made in the Calcutta Bazaar, and a pair of Silver Kooki Earrings from Cachar. (75°)

BABU SRIDHUR SAHI, ZEMINDAR OF MAUJHA.A Gold and Silver Filagree Attardan, from the Sarun district. (76)

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Various Articles of Jewellery, as Gold Armlet set with diamonds, Gold Bracelets,