A catalogue of the objects exhibited by the Colony of Mauritius at the Vienna Universal Exhibition
Einzelbild herunterladen



63 Sections of Wood, of which 43, from No. 1 to No. 46, are from indigenous trees.

Sections of Mauritian Woods.

Names, Botanical and Local.

1 Labourdonnasia glauca 1 (Bois de Natte).

2 Colophania Mauritiana (B. Colophon).

3 Jossinia lucida (B. de 3


4 Jambosa venosa. 4.

5 Blaekwellia glauca (Bois 5


6 Labourdonnasia revoluta 6

(B. de Natte).

Remarks on uses, &c.

All of this order are more or less durable woods. They comprise the so-called B. de Nattes, all of which are used for house and shipbuilding, cabinet and furni­ture work. Barks good for tan­ning and dyeing, and seeds make excellent bird lime; diameter from two to four feet.

A resinous, heavy wood, much used for framing of carts, felloes of wheels, and in some parts of ships, buildings, breaks for rail­ways, carriages, waggons, &c. It is a large tree often attaining a diameter of six feet.

A slow growing tree. Wood very hard andlieavy,used in building; named from its extreme hardness. The Jambosas, of which there are five or six species in Mauritius, are woods commonly used for household purposes, tables, small planks, &e., one is used for the shafts of carriages. J. vulgars makes excellent charcoal, tool handles, &c.

Three kinds of Blaekwellia are used for building purposes, and for the axles of carts.

There are several kinds of B. de Natte, all of which are good for all building purposes, and are not excelled in durability by any other kind of wood.