Societé d'Etudes du Canal deSuezLondon 15 November 1847My dear Sir, I beg leave to forward you the Extract ofa letter which I wrote to our Colleague Mr. P.Talabot on the 11 instant. If the 4 Marchwill suit you to leave Marseilles- it appearsto be perfectly convenient for Mr R. Stephensonand Mons. P. Talabot. The [annexed]Extract will show you that these Gentlemennow only wait your decision before finallyfixing that date for their Departure.I have today advice from Mr. Enfantinthat a set of your plans & notes is enroute for us- we shall be muchinterested in examining them. By whatMonsieurMonsr. Negrelli Ingenieur en Chef des Chemins de Fer de l'Etat a Vienne
Brief bzgl. der geplanten Expedition von Negrelli, Talabot und Stephenson
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