16th December 1865.

(This Treaty is in force until the 1 st January, 1877.)

Article I.

During the continuance of the present Treaty the subjects and commerce of The subjects and com- Austria shall enjoy within all the dominions and possessions of Her Britannic enjoy!wfthhTtheRritSh Majesty, including Her Majestys colonies and foreign possessions, the same advan- 'as 1 f roncn°sub~

tages which have been conceded to French subjects and commerce by the Treaty jects'and commerce and between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French, signed at Paris on the and ilo placedinaiiother 23rd of January, 1860, and to the subjects and commerce of the States of the aspects on the footing Zollverein by the Treaty between Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the nation! m ° s avourc King of Prussia, representing the sovereign States and territories united to the Prussian system of customs and contributions, signed at Berlin on the 30th of May, 1865 ; and further, Austrian subjects and commerce shall be placed in all other respects on the footing of the subjects and commerce of the most favoured nation.

Article II.

From and after the 1st of January, 1867, British subjects and commerce shall, British subjects and com- within the dominions of His Imperial and Royal Majesty, be placed in every respect Austro-iiunparim^domh upon the footing of the most favoured nation, and share in all the advantages and placed in every privileges which are enjoyed by the commerce and subjects ot any third Power. of the most favoured From this rule are excepted: nation.

(a.) Such advantages as those which for the sole purpose of facilitating frontier Exceptions to the above traffic are at present conceded or may hereafter be conceded to the States rule ' of the German Zollverein, or to other neighbouring States ; and also those reductions of or exemptions from customs duties which are valid only at certain parts of the frontier, or for the inhabitants of particular localities.

( b .) Such advantages as belong or may hereafter be conceded to the subjects of the German Confederation in virtue of Federal treaties and Federal laws.

( c .) Such special and ancient privileges as are enjoyed by Turkish subjects, as such, for Turkish commerce in Austria.

Article III.

The Austrian Customs Tariff (the present system of calculating customs duties Duty to be levied upon by weight being maintained) shall be so regulated that the duty to be levied upon SanuLoîre

articles, the.produce or manufacture of the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty, on importation into Aus- upon their importation into the Austrian States, shall, from the 1st January, 1867, after Lsfjanuary^S;

30782. b