25 per cent, of their not exceed 25 per cent, of the value, with the addition of the cost of transport, transporu'nsunmce!&c° f insurance, and commission necessary for the importation into Austria as far as the Austrian Customs frontier, and for this purpose there shall serve as basis the average value of the articles included under one and the same denomination in each position of the future Austrian Tariff.

Uie e max?mum U onmport From and after the 1st January, 1870, the maximum of these duties shall not duties shall not exceed 20 exceed 20 per cent, of the value, with the additions above defined.

per cent, ad valorem.

Articles constituting Articles constituting State monopoliesnamely, tobacco, salt, and gunpowder,

hacco X? P and S gun- and further, goods comprised in Classes I. and VII. of the present Austrian Tariff,

powder) and goods of are excepted from these maxima.

Classes I. and VII. of r

Austrian Tariff are ex- ARTICLE IV.


Commissioners from Commissioners from both Cfovernments shall meet, not later than the month of determine ern the nt vahfes March, 1866, for the purpose of ascertaining and determining the values and the of 1 'the ' average pricefhi additional charges, and they shall take as the basis of their calculations the average Great Britain in 1865. prices at the principal centres of production and commerce of the United Kingdom for the year 1865.

duties J fixed ^by the Three years after the duties fixed by treaty shall have come into operation each operation^chpartyhas of the contracting parties shall have a right to claim a revision of the values.

the right to claim are-

vision of the value stan- xr

dard. -rxlil I ( LR V.

Duties of special interest Such duties of the future Austrian Tariff as will come into operation on the 1st operation on the 'ist of January, 1867, and to which England attaches a special interest, shall form the sub J ect of 3 supplementary Convention to be concluded between the two contracting

mentary Treaty. parties.

sfaie^mompohes 11 ^ , £ l] constituting State monopolies, as also- all goods subject to fiscal

goods of classes i. and duties included in Classes I. and VII. of the present Tariff, remain also here VII. of the Tariff are exC epted. excepted. r

A T?'rTr>T T? ATT

Internal imposts levied in one country on pro­duction, preparation, or use of articles shall not atlect the productions of the other country in a higher degree than those of native origin.

Internal imposts which are levied in the territory of one party on the production, preparation, or use of any article, whether on account of the State or on account of municipalities and corporations, shall under no pretext affect the productions of the other party in a higher or more onerous degree than the same productions of native origin.

Article VII.

Reductions of importer 1 he contracting parties agree that every reduction in their Tariffs of import or privileges 1 'granted by export duties, and every privilege, favour, or immunity which either contracting lower P haifbe° extended P ar ty may hereafter grant to the subjects and commerce of a third Power, shall be to the other immediately, extended immediately and unconditionally to tlie other contracting* party ? with a reserve however of the exceptions enumerated in Article II. a and b.

Article VIII.

Sfniw iTth?TS The .subjects of one of the contracting parties shall enjoy iu the dominions and tories of the other equal possessions ot the other equality of treatment with native subjects in regard to suifiects n \n w regard to charges on loading and unloading, to warehousing, and to the transit trade, as also trades, &c. in regard to bounties, facilities, and drawbacks.

Article IX.

StaK ttoZntaK ' l ' he subjects of one of the two high contracting parties shall, in the dominions SASteMM of the other e,1Joy the samc protection as native subjects in regard to the rights of