man or woman is often reported to have given five thousand dollars to found two or three scholarships in some girls colleges. The same amount invested in an industrial plant to be attached to a college would pay for the education of a hundred girls, or rather would enable them to pay for their own education, a much nobler form of benevolence. Now, here are sisters from the East and West and the North and South, and I ask them to tell me whether such a plan has ever been attempted any­where, and if so, with what success?

I cannot close without expressing my sense of the great blessing to womanhood of this wonderful opportunity of thus taking counsel together and unbosoming our­selves to each other. So many women have schemes for the helping of their sex, or still better, of their race, fermenting in their brains and hearts, and are brain-sick and heart-sick for the lack of advice and sympathy. Here, for the first time, but not, thank God, for the last time, we have come together from the ends of the earth to this magic city to listen to each others plans and hopes, and give wise warning or kindly encouragement.

eve s vow.

When angels oped at Gods command, With weeping, Edens portal,

And our sad parents, hand in hand, Forsook its joys immortal,

Our mothers deep prophetic soul, Made wise by pain and sadness, Beheld the coming ages roll,

Bereft of pristine gladness.

She saw our sickness, grief and tears, Her breast maternal sharing,

Each bitter pang through future years Her race should bearare bearing. To high resolve that hour gave birth Her burning tears repressing,

She vowed to ope once more for earth Lost Edens gates of blessing.

And since to realize her vow Hath woman ever striven.

Each mother to her child till now This secret task hath given.

But man grew jealous as she strove, And barred her pathway ever,

Nor understood what depth of love Inspired the high endeavor.

Yet still her earnest spirit rose Above his scorn undaunted To struggle on, till should unclose Once more the gates enchanted, And give for sickness, grief and tears, Our mortal lot attending,

Succession sweet of blissful years In life immortal ending.

See, strong Evangelists and brave,

In sight the gates Elysian!

The earnest now of all ye crave,

Soon, soon its full fruition!