The congress of women held in the Woman's building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U.S.A.,1893 : with portraits, biographies, and addresses, published by authority of the Board of Lady Managers / edited by Mary Kavanaugh Oldham Eagle
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Advantages and Dangers of Organizations...

Rev. Anna Garlin Spencer. 170

Esthetic Culture.Mrs. Priscilla Baird 414

An African Expedition.Mrs. M. French

Sheldon.'.. 131

Agriculture.Mrs. A. M. Edwards 760

An Appeal of Art to the Lovers of Art.

Mrs. Mary Cherry Norris. 674

Art.Mrs. Emily Crawford 87

Art of Elocution.Miss Anna Morgan 597

Art of Living, The.Mrs. Ellen M. Rich 365

Art Isms.Miss Annette Cole 600

Assyrian Mythology. .Mrs. Elizabeth A. Reed 719 Avocations of English Women.. Mrs. Theresa Elizabeth Cope. 531


Business Woman in Kentucky, A..Miss Flor­ence Barlow. .


Certain Methods of Studying Drawing.. . Miss

Aimee K. Osborne Moore. 380

Changing Ideals in Southern Womanhood....

Mrs. Sue Huffman Brady. 306

Characteristics of the Modern Woman.

Mrs. Caroline K. Sherman. 764

Charles Lamb.Mrs. C. A. R. Devereux 752

Chicago.Miss Marion Couthouy Smith 616

Chicago Women. .Dr. Sarah Hackett Steven­son . 708

Children of the Other Half, The_Miss Lucy

Wheelock . 323

Cholera in Hamburg, The.Miss Annesley

Kenealy... 354

Citizens, The Making of.Mrs. H. E. Mon­roe. 311

Closing Address.Mrs. Potter Palmer 821

Columbias Women.Mrs. Amanda Kerr

Lewis. 371

Columbus; or, It was Morning.... Mrs. Lillian

Rozell Messenger. 227

Come South, Young Woman!.... Mrs. Martha

R. Field. 776

Compensation.Mrs. Alice Asbury Abbott 645

Complete Freedom for Women.. .Miss Agnes

M. Manning. 107

Congratulation on the Possession of Por­trait.Mrs. Candace Wheeler 818

Cookery.Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln 138

Cooking as an Art. . .Miss Helen Louise John­son . 810

Culture; Its Fruit and Its Price (extracts from)

Mrs. May Wright Sewall. 771



Dawning of the Twentieth Century, The.

Mrs. Mary Seymour Howell. 679

De Stael, Madame_Mrs. Helen Philleo Jen­kins. 686

Development in Eastern Washington_Mrs.

Jennie F. White. 123

Dress Improvement.Mrs. Annie Jenness

Miller. 695


Economic Independence of Woman.Mrs.

Lydia A. Prescott. 526

Educational Value of Applied Arts, The.

Miss Elizabeth B. Sheldon. 790

Education of Girls and Women in Glasgow ..

Miss J. A. Galloway. 337

Education of Indian Girls in the West.

Mrs. Mary C. Todd. 39

Effective Voting, On.Miss H. C. Spence 458

797 Eliot, George.Miss Ida M. Street 286

Encouragement of Home Industries_Lady

Ishbel Aberdeen. 743

English Women of the Eighteenth Century,

Some_Mrs. Caroline Fuller Fairbanks 503

Epic.Mrs. E. M. Souville 691

Etching. Miss Blanche Dillaye 643

Ethics of Social Life, The.Mrs. John R.

Hanna. 53

Evolution of American Literature_Mrs. M.

K. Craig. 198

Evolution of Home,The.. .Miss Juliet Corson 714


Faith of Islam, The.. Mrs. Laura H. Clark_ 512

Fate of Republics, The. .Rev. Anna Howard

Shaw . 152

Feast of Columbia, The.. Mrs. Alice Williams

Brotherton. 67

Financial Independence of Women, The....

Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin. 348

Finding of the New World, The..Miss Jane

Meade Welch. 30

Food for Students... .Mrs. Ellen H Richards 713 Footfree in Gods Country.. Mrs. Marie An­toinette Nathalie Pollard. 293

Forgotten Foremothers, Our.Mrs. Lillie

Devereaux Blake. 32


George Merediths Novels.Miss Margaret

Windeyer. 97

Glimpse of Modern Spain, A_Miss Laura

Bell. 516

Glory of Womanhood, The....Mme. Hanna K. Korany. 359