We know from rise to set of sun No North or South, no West or East, No first or last, no best or least,

For the many in one are one.

Come, Columbia said To the nations of the earth,

See what the rolling years Have wrought in the land of my birth. See what the brain has thought,

And the busy hand has wrought.

We have gathered from every side All that we hold of worth;

Come ye, and see, Columbia cried To the nations of the earth.

Where the savage war-whoop rang, And the red men hunted the deer,

The hammers of labor briskly clang And the citys streets appear.

Man from Nature has won the land, And held it this many a year.

Where art has pointed the way,

And industry wrought with the hand, Come sit at the feast with me today In the center of my land.

Come, said the world of the West To the great world of the East,

Join hands across the sea In token of amity.

Ere the century is done Let us sit down and feast;

In all lands shineth one sun,

And the world is one.