large to do the best things in the best way. There has been the greatest harmony of action, the majorities on almost every question being so large and so pronounced that very seldom has the chair been in doubt as to the result. On very few vital ques­tions has there been a close vote. You will be charitable enough to admit that this first national board of women has existed under the searchlight of criticism. The commission owes us a vote of thanks for claiming public attention, when, except that a womans board was more novel, that body could have furnished much more sensa­tional reading.

When I compare the Board of Lady Managers with the great number of organ­ized bodies with which I have been familiar I am proud of the board. As individuals, or as an organized body, it does not suffer by comparison. When I compare its officers with the officers of other bodies we have the advantage; but when I compare its president with the presidents of any and all organizations, the gold medals are our own, with the chromos added.

We covet not titles of rank in this land of ours, where every woman may be a queen, and when the women of America choose a leader and representative she is not only a queen, but queenly. This day of sorrow we would turn to joy, and make it our coronation day. If we can not crown Our Queen we will present to you Our Queen, already crowned. [The veil is withdrawn from the portrait.]