The congress of women held in the Woman's building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U.S.A.,1893 : with portraits, biographies, and addresses, published by authority of the Board of Lady Managers / edited by Mary Kavanaugh Oldham Eagle
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was the proudest moment of my life when I was told last Saturday, with a heartfelt hand-shake, and with accents of deepest sincerity, by one of our visitors, that seeing me had given her more pleasure than anything at the fair, except the Ferris wheel.

The ties which have bound us together have been tightly drawn during these six months now past, and we have felt constantly sustained by the earnestness and enthusiasm manifested; and now, when the time has come to leave it, and we look at the fair proportions and stately interior of these halls and of the building we have so long occupied, the knowledge that they are soon to be handed over to destruction cruelly grieves us.

YVhen our palace in the White City shall have vanished like a dream, when grass and flowers cover the spot where it now stands, may its memory and influence still remain as a benediction to those who have wrought within its walls.