there ever any domination which did not appear natural to those who possessed it ? There was a time when the division of mankind into two classes, a small one of masters and a numerous one of slaves, appeared, even to the most culti­vated minds, to be a natural, and the only natural, condition of the human race. No less an in­tellect, and one which contributed no less to the progress of human thought, than Aristotle, held this opinion without doubt or misgiving; and rested it on the same premises on which the same assertion in regard to the dominion of men over women is usually based, namely that there are different natures among mankind, free na­tures, and slave natures; that the Greeks were of a free nature, the barbarian races of Thracians and Asiatics of a slave nature. But why need I go back to Aristotle ? Did not the slaveowners of the Southern United States maintain the same doctrine, with all the fanaticism with which men cling to the theories that justify their passions and legitimate their personal interests ? Did they not call heaven and earth to witness that the dominion of the white man over the black is natural, that the black race is by nature inca­pable of freedom, and marked out for slavery ? some even going so far as to say that the freedom of manual labourers is an unnatural order of things anywhere. Again, the theorists of abso-