sands of unfit persons is no gain; for if the con­stitution of the electoral body disposes them to choose unfit persons, there are always plenty of such persons to choose from. In all things of any difficulty and importance, those who can da them well are fewer than the need, even with the most unrestricted latitude of choice : and any limitation of the field of selection deprives society of some chances of being served by the competent, without ever saving it from the incompetent.

At present, in the more improved countries, the disabilities of women are the only case, save one, in which laws and institutions take persons at their birth, and ordain that they shall never in all their lives he allow r ed to compete for certain things. The one exception is that of royalty. Persons still are horn to the throne ; no one, not of the reigning family, can ever occupy it, and no one even of that family can, by any means, hut the course of hereditary succession, attain it. All other dignities and social advantages are open to the whole male sex : many indeed are only attainable by -wealth, but wealth may be striven for by any one, and is actually obtained by many men of the very humblest origin. The difficulties, to the majority, are indeed insuperable without the aid of fortunate accidents; but no male human being is under any legal ban : neither law nor opinion superadd artificial obstacles to