beyond the family. She is taught that she has no business with things out of that sphere; and accordingly she seldom has any honest and con­scientious opinion on them ; and therefore hardly ever meddles with them for any legitimate pur­pose, but generally for an interested one. She neither knows nor cares which is the right side in politics, but she knows what will bring in money or invitations, give her husband a title, her son a place, or her daughter a good marriage.

But how, it will be asked, can any society exist without government ? In a family, as in a state, some one person must be the ultimate ruler. Who shall decide when married people differ in opinion ? Both cannot have their way, yet a decision one way or the other must be come to.

It is not true that in all voluntary association between two people, one of them must be absolute master: still less that the law must determine Avhich of them it shall be. The most frequent case of voluntary association, next to marriage, is partnership in business : and it is not found or thought necessary to enact that in every partner­ship, one partner shall have entire control over the concern, and the others shall be bound to obey his orders. No one would enter into part­nership on terms which would subject him to the responsibilities of a principal, with only the