As for moral differences, considered as dis­tinguished from intellectual, the distinction com­monly drawn is to the advantage of women. They are declared to he better than men ; an empty compliment, w r hich must provoke a bitter smile from every woman of spirit, since there is no other situation in life in which it is the esta­blished order, and considered quite natural and suitable, that the better should obey the worse. If this piece of idle talk is good for anything, it is only as an admission by men, of the corrupting influence of power; for that is certainly the only truth which the fact, if it be a fact, either proves or illustrates. And it is true that servi­tude, except when it actually brutalizes, though corrupting to both, is less so to the slaves than to the slave-masters. It is -wholesomer for the moral nature to be restrained, even by arbitrary power, than to be allowed to exercise arbitrary power without restraint. Women, it is said, seldomer fall under the penal lawcontribute a much smaller number of offenders to the criminal calendar, than men. I doubt not that the same thing may be said, with the same truth, of negro slaves. Those who are under the control of others cannot often commit crimes, unless at the command and for the purposes of their masters. I do not know a more signal instance of the blindness with which the world, including the