The subjection of women / by John Stuart Mill
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belief that without any merit or any exertion of his own, though he may be the most frivolous and empty or the most ignorant and stolid of mankind, by the mere fact of being born a male he is by right the superior of all and every one of an entire half of the human race : including probably some whose real superiority to himself he has daily or hourly occasion to feel; but even if in his whole conduct he habitually follows a womans guidance, still, if he is a fool, she thinks that of course she is not, and cannot be, equal in ability and judgment to himself; and if he is not a fool, he does worsehe sees that she is superior to him, and believes that, notwithstand­ing her superiority, he is entitled to command and she is bound to obey. What must be the effect on his character, of this lesson ? And men of the cultivated classes are often not aware how deeply it sinks into the immense majority of male minds. For, among right-feeling and well-bred people, the inequality is kept as much as possible out of sight ; above all, out of sight of the children. As much obedience is required from boys to their mother as to their father: they are not permitted to domineer over their sisters, nor are they accus­tomed to see these postponed to them, but the contrary,; the compensations of the chivalrous feeling being made prominent, while the servitude which requires them is kept in the background.