led to believe that his vassals were really superior to himself, or to feel that he was placed in com­mand over people as good as himself, for no merits or labours of his own, but merely for having, as Figaro says, taken the trouble to be born. The self-worship of the monarch, or of the feudal supe­rior, is matched by the self-worship of the male. Human beings do not grow up from childhood in the possession of unearned distinctions, without pluming themselves upon them. Those whom privileges not acquired by their merit, and which they feel to be disproportioned to it, inspire with additional humility, are always the few, and the best few. The rest are only inspired with pride, and the worst sort of pride, that which values itself upon accidental advantages, not of its own achieving. Above all, when the feeling of being raised above the whole of the other sex is com­bined with personal authority over one individual among them; the situation, if a school of con­scientious and affectionate forbearance to those whose strongest points of character are conscience and affection, is to men of another quality a re­gularly constituted Academy or Gymnasium for training them in arrogance and overbearingness ; which vices, if curbed by the certainty of resistance in their intercourse with other men, their equals, break out towards all who are in a position to be obliged to tolerate them, and often revenge them-