when he was old there would be a chance that he would not depart from it. But so long as the right of the strong to power over the weak rules in the very heart of society, the attempt to make the equal right of the weak the principle of its outward actions will always be an uphill struggle ; for the law of justice, which is also that of Christianity, will never get possession of men's inmost sentiments; they will be working against it, even when bending to it.

The second benefit to be expected from giving to women the free use of their faculties, by leav­ing them the free choice of their employments, and opening to them the same field of occupation and the same prizes and encouragements as to other human beings, would be that of doubling the mass of mental faculties available for the higher service of humanity. Where there is now one person qualified to benefit mankind and promote the general improvement, as a public teacher, or an administrator of some branch of pub­lic or social affairs, there would then be a chance of two. Mental superiority of any kind is at present everywhere so much below the demand ; there is such a deficiency of persons competent to do excellently anything which it requires any con­siderable amount of ability to do; that the loss to the world, by refusing to make use of one-lialf of the whole quantity of talent it possesses, is