libilitv. In England,, similar differences occa­sionally exist when an Evangelical wife has allied herself with a husband of a different quality ; but in general this source at least of dissension is got rid of, by reducing the minds of women to such a nullity, that they have no opinions but those of Mrs. Grundy, or those which the husband tells them to have. When there is no difference of opinion, differences merely of taste may be suffi­cient to detract greatly from the happiness of married life. And though it may stimulate the amatory propensities of men, it does not conduce to married happiness, to exaggerate by differences of education whatever may be the native diffe­rences of the sexes. If the married pair are well-bred and well-behaved people, they tolerate each others tastes ; but is mutual toleration what people look forward to, when they enter into marriage ? These differences of inclination will naturally make their wishes different, if not restrained by affection or duty, as to almost all domestic questions which arise. What a diffe­rence there must be in the society which the two persons will wish to frequent, or be frequented by ! Each will desire associates who share their own tastes: the persons agreeable to one, will be indifferent or positively disagreeable to the other ; yet there can be none who are not common to both, for married people do not now live in dif-