Catalogue of the British Section.



MADRAS COMMITTEE.Turban Cloths, Saris, Shawls, and Cholis from Madras, Madura, and Trichinopoly. (815823 m)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE. Kuthee, Blan­kets, (Dhablees), from Kutch, Surat Jail, and Aden, and Hairstring, from Aden. (110)

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Blankets, Cloth, Chintz, &c., and specimens of Wool from Mozuffernuggur and Jaloun.

(193-194a, 1481493)

PUNJAB COMMITTEE.Dressing Gowns and Rampur Chaddars, from the Peshawar and Ludhyana Districts; Cashmere Shawls, a rare Table­cloth and Samples of Pashm and Woollen Thread, from Kashmere; Cotton and Woollen Cloth from the Ludhyana District, and Woollen Carpets from Multan.

(213220, 224225, 302313, 315, 316, 3 2 5333)

AMRITSAR LOCAL COMMITTEE. Samples of Pashm and Woollen Thread (of Kabul, &c.) (317324)

DEVISAHAI and CHAMBA MAL, Am­ritsar.Rampur Chaddars, Shawls, &c. (226299)

AHMAD SHAH and AHSAN SHAH, Ludhyana.Cashmere Shawls. (300, 3 or )

KADIR BAKSH AND HAMZA, Sabathu. Rampur Chaddars. (221223)

LAHORE JAIL.Hearth-rug. (314)

BANGALORE CENTRAL JAIL.Mysore Wools and Carpets. (121127)

INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEEBlankets and a Carpet. (5557)

INDIA MUSEUM, London.Woollen Fabrics from Bombay Presidency, Punjab, and North-West Provinces (from the London Exhibition of 1871). Carpets from Bombay, &c. (from London Exhibition of 1872).

VINCENT ROBINSON, & CO., London ; WATSON, BONTER & CO. London ; GRE­GORY & CO., London ; LAPWORTH BRO­THERS, London.Carpets and Rugs from various parts of India.

FARMER & ROGERS, London.Indian Carpets, Rugs, Shawls, Bornouses, &c.


MADRAS COMMITTEE. Head Cloth, Saris, Dhotis, Packadis, See., and Arnee Muslin from Coimbatore, Arnee, and Madura. (824826^)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE.Wrappers, Sa- rees, Turbans, Belts, Chiddrep, and various other articles of clothing, and materials for making the same, from Aden, Kattyawar, Broach, Surat, Dhar- war, and Baroda. (167,80, 119, 126148)

SURAT SUB-COMMITTEE. Sarees and other garments, Materials for making the same, Sheets, Towels, &c. (81118, 120)

H.H. MEER ALI MOORAD KHAN, Khyrpoor.Wrappers ( Khess andSoosees) and Materials for making the same.

(6870, 121125, 149, 151, 152)

H.H. THE RAO OF KUTCH.Variou Cotton Fabrics. (7179

SURAT JAIL.Towels. (150)

BENGAL COMMITTEE.Various Cotton Garments (Saris, petticoats, &c.), Articles of Bed- Furniture, See., Sec., from Cachar, the Bardwan District and other parts of Bengal. (143)

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Saree, Pugree, and Counterpane from Jaloun. (150 15^3

PUNJAB COMMITTEE. Specimens of Cotton Cloth and * Gambrion, from Ludhyana District. (33434 2 )

RAHIM, Jalandhar.Pieces of Cotton Fabric Ghati. (343)

OUDE LOCAL COMMITTEE. Nynsook Chintz, and other fabrics, Counterpane, See.


BANGALORE CENTRAL JAILSaris, Turban-cloths, Tent-cloth. (128131)

INDORE LOCAL COMMITTEESarees, Dhotis, Turban, Cotton Fabrics, Sec. (6065)

BHOPAWUR PUL AGENCY. Various Cotton Cloths, used in native dress. (3945)

INDIA MUSEUM, London.Chintz, Prayer- Rugs and various Chintzes and Cotton Fabrics ; Cotton Goods from the London Exhibition of 1872, as Sarees, Dhotis, Chaddars, Cotton Cloths, Towels, Table Covers, Turbans, See., from Bengal.

COLLECTOR OF BENARES. Cotton Manufactures from Benares and Burdwan (from the London Exhibition of 1872).

FARMER Se ROGERS, London .Indian Cotton Rugs.


MADRAS COMMITTEEKimidy Basket- work from Ganjam. (850863)