

WINTERBOTHAM, H. M.Palghaut Mats from Palghaut. (827849)

BOMBAY COMMITTEE. Mats, Trays, Baskets and Boxes from Aden. (118)


BENGAL COMMITTEE. Palm-Leaf, Straw, Reed, and other Fabrics, as punkahs or fans, mats, baskets, &c., from the Midnapore District, Sylhet, &c. (814, 2426)

DAVID, M., Esq. Specimen of Serajgunge Jute. (459)

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Specimens of Jute and Jute Paper, from Jaloun. (196, 196a)

INDORE LOCAL' COMMITTEE,Tal- puttee, and Paper made from Flax. (69, 70)

INDIA MUSEUM, London. Collection of


BOURKE, Hon. Bark Chair Bottoms,


MADRAS COMMITTEE.Gown Pieces and Carpet from Tanjore (obtained by M. R. Ry. A. Streenevasa Row). (864867)

MADRAS COMMITTEE.Silk and Silk Thread, Turban-cloths, Saris, Cholis, See., from Kistna District, Madura and Tanjore. (868873)

BENGAL COMMITTEE.Various Silk Fabrics, and Silk Articles of Apparel (as Saris, Kum- merbunds, See.) from all parts of Bengal, contributed in part by Shew Golam Shaw, Rai Bahadur ; Saroda Persad Guiri, of Musbul, and Iswar Das Kaiburt, of Burdwan District; Bepin Chandra Rakhit and Adet Chandri, of Baghkra, and the Midnapore Jail; a Photograph of a Native Silk Loom from Minapore District. (25109, ill)

GEOGHEGAN, J., C.S.Three Copies of a Work by Exhibitor entitled Account of Silk in India. (no) 1

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Various Silk Fabrics, Silk Articles of Apparel, as Turbans, Pugrees, Goolbaddans, j Kummerbunds, See., from Benares, Azingurh; Cur­tain Cloth and a Rug of Mudar Buds presented by the District Jail of Ghazeepore.

(106, 109 -112, 114116, 120130*?, 132135)

PUNJAB COMMITTEE. Silk Fabrics, Raw Silk, and Silk Thread from the Peshawar, Lahoreand Multan Districts. (353358,371377)

LEITNER, Dr., Lahore. Silk Fabrics, Handkerchiefs and Scarfs, from Central Asia.

(3 6 °370)

CHAMBA MAL, Amritsar.Piece of Gal- badan. (377 a )

MYSORE LOCAL COMMITTEE.Saris, Kammarbands, Kuppasas, &c. (168207)


MADRAS COMMITTEE. Embroidered Muslin, Velvet, and Net Fabrics from Madras.


BOMBAY COMMITTEE. Fabrics and Articles of Apparel embroidered with gold and silver, as Kinkhabs, Luppas, Kiwarees from Surat and Alimedabad. Various Silk Articles embroidered with gold and silver, as Sadees, Mushroos, Kemroos, Khuns, Veils, Caps, &c., from Yeola, Surat, Poona, Ahmedabad, Dharwar, Aden, Bombay, Nassick, and Kattyawar. (163, 73 89, 9293)

H.H. THE RAO OF KUTCH.-Embroidered Table-cloths and Cushion-covers. (6472)

H.H. THE GUICKWAR OF BARODA Native Saddles. (90)

H.H. THE THAKOOR OF BHOWNUG- GUR.Native Saddles. (91)

BABU SRIDHUR SAI, ZEMINDAR OF MAUJHA, in Sarun.Purtalla, gold-worked waist and shoulder-belt combined. (23)

NORTH-WEST PROVINCES LOCAL COMMITTEE.Various Silk and Velvet Fabrics embroidered with Gold such as Kinkhubs, Rugs, Sheets, See., from Benares and Booludsheehur, &c.; Gold Fringe from Benares. (98105, 107, 108, 113,

117119, i3L G 6 , 137)

BABOO BALGOBUND KHUTTREE, Benares. Kinkhubs or Gold-embroidered Silk Fabrics made by Ruhman Jolaha, of Benares.


BABOO DABEE PERSHAD, Benares. Various Gold-embroidered Fabric s as Kinkhubs, Rugs, Shawls, Scarves, Sic., by Wahid Mian Joleahi, Walli Najar, Golam Kadir, Ameer Khan, and Abdullah. (240253)

PUNJAB COMMITTEE. Embroidered Pagris, Caps, Shoes, Scarfs, Sic., from the Pesh­awar, Ludhyana, and Cashmere Districts. Various Shawls, Slippers, Cloaks, Caps, &c., embroidered by Messrs. Pahladdas, Motiram, Serajuddin, Shara- fuddin, and Lala Rormimal, of Delhi; Girdles and Head-dress from Lahore.

(395416, 43 2442, 446- 458)

LAHORE MUSEUM. Table-cloth em­broidered with silver, gold, and beetles-wings.


AHMAD SHAH & AHSAN SHAH, Ludhyana.- Rampur Chaddars, Sic. (379394)

DEVISAHAI & CHAMBAMAL, Amritsar. Rampur Chaddars Si Choghas. (417431)

NANAK CHAND, Delhi.Embroidered Merino Shawls and Silk Table-cover. (443445)

OUDE LOCAL COMMITTEE. Chikan- work, and Embroidered Shoes, Scaifs, Hookah- cloths, &c. (163188, 190)

BHOPAWUR PUL AGENCY.Embroid­ered Table-cover. (53)