peculiarly susceptible; and disturbances of the delicate mechanism we are considering, induced during the catamenial weeks of that critical age by constrained positions, muscu­lar effort, brain work, and all forms of men­tal and physical excitement, germinate a host of ills. Sometimes these causes, which pervade more or less the methods of instruc­tion in our public and private schools, which our social customs ignore, and to which operatives of all sorts pay little heed, pro­duce an excessive performance of the cata­menial function; and this is equivalent to a periodical hemorrhage. Sometimes they pro­duce an insufficient performance of it; and this, by closing an avenue of elimination, poisons the blood, and depraves the organi­zation. The host of ills thus induced are known to physicians and to the sufferers as amenorrhea, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, hys­teria, anemia, chorea, and the like. Some of these fasten themselves on their victim for a lifetime, and some are shaken off. Now and then they lead to an abortion