So far as purely economic and material interests are concerned, it also appears, that if, by the indiscretions of educational meth­ods, the young female sacrifices life or health, the loss, though great, is hut that, so far as the state is concerned, of an unpro­ductive unit, and its capacities for increase. If, however, the working-girl is destroyed by her labors, the commonwealth loses both herself as a present integer in the mainten­ance of society, and her creative possibilities and powers for the future of the race. The student was as yet, in the strict sense, a burden upon the community: the worker was a productive and helpful member of it. The one may have given promise of a life of usefulness: the other had begun it. If an account current, on a purely economic basis, were to be opened between society and these two girls, the student would stand debited with continual outgo, and with nothing to her credit in return: the workers page would exhibit the cost of maintenance and development to the point when her earning