that which is still depletory. The value of the one is present and real, that of the other prospective and uncertain.

As our future must be built up out of our present, as the animal must exist for the mental and spiritual to build upon, so far as purely political and social considerations go, the present loss of the worker is greater. It is only when we rise to a plane of higher contemplation of life, and view it as more than a social system constituted and ruled only for terrestrial duration, that we obtain a better conception of harmonious possibili­ties and ends for both student and worker. The power to originate and organize is always greater and more valuable than that of simple execution of details; principles being always higher than their adaptation. A recognition of principles, and the posses­sion of power, are evolved only from breadth of knowledge. Hence there can be little doubt, that were the student and worker both to retain health, and enjoy the normal progress of their several vocations, and