menstrual disorder or uterine disease (not including the effects of the last climacteric in woman) ; and it is more than conjec­tured that a larger familiarity with the phe­nomena of insanity, and care in examination of insane patients committed to treatment, would establish a considerably increased per cent. As most of the female patients, who find residence in the State institutions for the insane, are those who have followed only industrial pursuits, their disorders, when ref­erable to their avocations, have clearly origin­ated in those of labor. The special tendency to uterine disorders of certain employments will be manifest in their consideration in future pages.

There is still another item in the error account against present customs of employ, which, though not wholly related to physical well-being, both by direct and reflex influ­ence is powerfully operative upon sex, and

of ten years standing disappeared after the removal of a prolapsus uteri. Other diseases and displacements of the uterus may act in the same way. Henry Maudsley, M.D.: Body and Mind } p. 93.