mental exercises of education; that while with sex in education the effort of the reformer will be to regulate, in industry it will be to prohibit and banish, as well as con­trol ; that, so far as purely economic forces are concerned, the loss of the working girl by the errors of employ is greater than that of the student; that the maintenance of broken-down workers is a greater drain upon the community than their actual deaths at an early period; that insanity is a form of disease entailing special burdens on society ; and that the unlawful employment of young gh'ls, acting as a stimulant to premature development of the sexual principle, is pro- ductive of physical deficiency and immoral tendency, the latter acting reflectively upon the physical forces to their greater detri­ment. If I have argued correctly, there exists such a sum of antagonism against the foundation necessities of existence, as well demands the earnest attention of state and individual.