to them, and the corporation physician and general practitioner are acquainted with their troubles. Profuse, difficult, deficient, or retarded menstruation, anaemia, chlorosis, anasarca and oedema of feet, dyspepsia, pains of back and limbs, nervous headaches, hack­ing coughs, by and by tubercular symptoms, and more or less early decline, is the usual list and order of complaints that our errors of industrial employ are establishing with this portion of our working-world, and with their results are grafting upon our national­ity to its steadily progressive decline and decay.

In the report before quoted,* it is declared, that,

Amongst the women of factory operatives, much more than among the general population, derangements of the digestive organs are common; e.g., pyrosis, con­stipation, vertigo, and headache, generated by neglect of the calls of nature through the early hours of work ; the short intervals at meals ; the eatipg and

* Report on Proposed Changes in Hours and Ages of Employment in Textile Factories.