tries exhibit for the cardinal principles of con­tinued prosperity and individual happiness, in the regular and prolonged employ of the plastic and undeveloped forms and powers of these girls of tender years, whose vital functions are as yet incomplete.

Third is their employment in occupations which cannot he undertaken without injury, except by those confirmed in the possession of full strength and capacity.

Fourth is in summoning these girls to a long day of labor, and requiring their unre­mitting attention to it, under conditions and circumstances radically unfavorable to health.

An analysis of this grouping of causative errors will show, under each division, a de­mand for the simultaneous exercise of very considerable, often intense , activity of bodily and mental forces; and it is believed, that just in proportion as these forces are co-ordi­nated in occupations and maintained in ex­treme activity, the impairment and overthrow of the peculiar function of the sex will result. Upon that impairment and overthrow 1