mittee of the place in which such school is kept, at least three months during the year next preceding such employment, . . . nor shall such employment continue unless such child shall attend school at least three months in each and every year is most wilfully disregarded.No child, says the law, under the age of fifteen years shall be employed in any manufacturing establish­ment more than sixty hours in one week. Any owner, agent, superintendent, or over­seer of any manufacturing or mechanical establishment who shall knowingly employ, or permit to he employed, any child in violation of this law, and any parent or guar­dian who allows or consents to such em­ployment, shall, for such offence, forfeit the sum of fifty dollars. There can he no doubt that these latter clauses of the law are most frequently and criminally thrust aside. It is gravely to he regretted that our law has not recognized the established dis­tinction now so generally, as properly and necessarily admitted, as required by the