and work of society, and in their individual belongings, that is so unfortunate a feature of the methods of managers; for while want presses, and the wolf is at the door, pres­ent needs will have little thought of future results, and those who employ, or the law­making and enforcing powur, must he at such time the governing mind.

At the mills in Fall River, Danvers, Fitch­burg, Wakefield, Braintree, and other places, there have been employed for years, large numbers of girls and boys, knowingly, who have not reached the age of fifteen years, and have not a days or an hours schooling in the year; and this with the consent of parents and guardians. A fur­ther grave defect of the existing law is in its exclusiveness, in that it provides for factory-operatives only. While in certain regards, as in better ventilation and hygienic conditions generally, the lot of the girls and boys of tender years engaged as cash car­riers, etc., in our large salesrooms and simi­lar establishments, is better than that of