means manliness. Moreover, she would not, or could not, make any more allowance for the periodicity of her organization than for the shape of her skeleton. When about twenty years of age, perhaps a year or so older, she applied to me for advice in consequence of neuralgia, backache, menorrhagia, leucorrhcea, and general debility. She was anemic, and looked pale, care-worn, and anxious.

There was no evidence of any local organic affection of the pelvic organs. Get a womans periodical remission from labor, if intermission is impossible, and do your work in a womans way, not copying a mans fashion, and you will need very little apothe­carys stuff, was the advice she received. I must go on as I am doing, was her answer. She tried iron, sitz-baths, and the like : of course they were of no avail. Latterly I have lost sight of her, and, from her appearance at her last visit to me, presume she has gone to a world where backache, and male and female skeletons, are unknown.

Note.Female clerks in stores strive to emulate tlie males by unremitting labor, seeking to develop feminine force by masculine methods.

Female operatives of all sorts, in factories and else­where, labor in the same way; and, when the day is done, are as likely to dance half the night, regardless of any pressure upon them of a peculiar function, as their fash­ionable sisters in the polite world. Prof. Clarke, op. cit., p. 130.