prevent some degree of unconscious or mechanical response and restful inatten­tion.

The numerous causes provocative of pul­monary disease, which have been cited as existing in factory labor, leave no room for doubt, that the destruction of menstrual power, which so certainly supervenes on the development of phthisis, may readily receive its origin here; while it is equally evident that these causes, if co-operating with those acting directly upon the function itself, can hut hasten the result it should be the aim of the employer and the legislator alike to avert.

A searching analysis of the examination notes of one hundred and twenty-four mills in the Commonwealth shows to have been specially noticeable for wretched ventilation, sixty ; while there were noted as observ­able for overheated rooms (particularly weave-rooms), thirteen; dusty and exceed­ingly dirty condition, fifteen (from size one) ; bad condition of privies, nearly all;