cations. I could not have continued as long a§ I have, if it had not been that I have been changed about in small offices, and have been part of the time in charge of rooms.

Another said,

Our girls all come to us looking bright, fresh, and ruddy ; but it is not long before they lose color, and strength seems to go with it. While I think it a nice occupation, and better than standing in stores or working in mills, it would be much better if vaca­tions could be better arranged, and the confinement lessened.

Miss-, for several years in charge of

the female department of one of the largest offices in the country, testified,

1 One year is as long as one can work in a busy office without a good vacation. The confined position, con­stipation, heat, and dizzy headache, I think, are the most noticeable troubles of lady operators who are grown up. The hours are too long for such strained employment. From eight, a.m. , to six, p.m. , with only an hour for dinner, makes too long a day for the kind of work. I am sorry to say some of our girls eat their lunch in the room, not going out at all. A wo-

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