or less prolonged. The weight of evidence would seem to indicate, that, with those of the forming-period, the result of such in­fluences is to repress and retard; while, with those of maturer years, it is to render more frequent and profuse. It is to be regretted that it is not readily possible to more com­pletely separate the other deleterious influ­ences, as posture, confinement, etc., from the distinct operation of the physico-mental con­centration and activity. A review, however, of the foregoing, indicates conclusively that,

Though the extent of the employ of forming girls is not wide, wherever occur­ring, the results are those declared, and are exactly such as we should expect from the class of influence at work;

That this type of influence exerts its spe­cific effects, even upon those more advanced in years ; and,

Its results are more quickly realized than those of any other influences tending toward the same channel of ill health.