but demands constant vigilance and alert digital reciprocity.

Satisfied that a pursuit so entirely repre­senting extreme mental concentration, with most rapid physical manipulation, could not fail of producing a marked effect upon such girls offorming age as should be employed therein, inquiry was made at the United States Treasury at Washington, in the counting department of w r hich some thirty ladies are constantly employed in counting currency. This counting is of pieces of one denomination at a time only ; i.e., a person counting tens counts tens only for the time being; and one upon fifties handles only pieces of that designa­tion : hence the pieces, and not the amount, are counted, the number of pieces multi­plied by the denomination, of course, giving the result in dollars and cents. The skill acquired in this department is truly wonder­ful, some of those employed counting millions of pieces per year. Let any one take a few hundred pieces of currency, and attempt to