eral disturbance being in the direction of menorrhagia, or profuse menstruation.

The more advanced toward matured adult life the individual, the better she is able to endure the hardship of the employ.

There is general suffering with those so engaged, from persistent headache, dropsical affections, and severe dyspepsia; while not infrequent uterine inflammations and dis­placement have come under my own knowl­edge among the operatives in this depart­ment.

Few have been able to follow it for any length of time, and these not continuously; the duration of employ being closely pro­portionate to the maturity of the individual.

A casual inquiry among stenographers has assured me, that, although a vocation ad­mirably adapted in many of its features for the exercise of female ability, and embracing demands for the deft celerity, with the ready perception and appreciation of women ; its requirements of concentration and nervous
