classes of employ, as inseparable from definite physical and physico-moral effects on those employed therein, will, also, undoubtedly come in for a much-needed share of con­sideration.

It has not been difficult to discover and point out the errors and evils that attend upon the several forms of employ, and that operate against the health, happiness, and usefulness of women. To suggest the reme­dies for these is obviously a matter of no small moment, and not easy of accomplish­ment.

As there are basis principles of health, which are affected, as we have seen, by these conditions of employ, so are there basis prin-

I am equally satisfied, from the fact, that in shops where a water-closet is so exposed that women must he seen by all the men when they enter, that that alone has a had moral influence upon them. I know it; and in a conversation I had in my office to-day, with a girl of eighteen, who suffered severely from constipation, and inflammation of the bladder (that being her usual liahit), she gave as a cause, that, in her shop, the men could see every girl that visited the closet, and that therefore none but the bad girls would go.