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interests, so long as the present is a greater reality than the future in the eyes of men ; the simple existence, in partial recognition, of principles which, however vital they may he, are found to he at variance with men's interests, or to deal largely with the future, will not he sufficient to command the respect they intrinsically demand. It becomes ne­cessary that the minds that do recognize what other minds would recognize but for their blinds of self-interest and distance, must bring into operative force the princi­ples that should prevail; and this can be only through the medium of law. *

* Says Dr. Jarvis,Can government aid in improving human life? Is there room here in the field of human life for governmental co-operation, as well as in the agri­cultural field of vegetable and animal life? It is power­ful there: it is not powerless, and need not he ineffective, hero. The power of government is threefold, and is exe­cuted in a triple way. It is mandatory, and says, Thou slialt, and thou shalt not. It is permissive, and grants privileges. It is advisory, instructive, and encouraging. It teaches the people their best interests, and points the way of gaining them. Pul'd. Econ. of Health, Op. cit. p.