everywhere exhibited as that shown by the Blackstone Mill at Blackstone, which has provided bath-rooms for its operatives, or the Hamilton Mills at Lowell, which have put in operation a new form of shuttle, bj r whicli the dangers incident to the old way of sucking the thread through in filling the shuttle are removed, the employers, woman, and the race, would be greatly the gainers.

Improved apparatus and less injurious processes, ventilation, the instant removal of dust from dust-producing machinery, the util­ization of steam (now injuriously wasted in weave-rooms) in heating water for baths, proper kinds, conditions, and seclusion of priv­ies, warm dressing-rooms for girls at mills, etc., where wet clothing, may be changed, alternation of labors when processes are specially exacting, seats for girls in stores, and better opportunities for food, such as are to be obtained through cooking-de­pots, Holly-tree inns, etc., all are agencies, which, with many others that 13