begin to run down in a year or so. Constipation is one great evil, and a general weariness. There is a constant strain upon the nerves and brain that is not required in other business; and yet our work has many advantages over other branches. Sitting so much is bad, but preferable to standing in a store from morning to night.

With a little rest now and then, or, at least, a long vacation once a year, I think the ladies would get along very well. Of course every one would prefer to rest at certain times; but, if women must work, I dont know but telegraphy is as healthy as any other busi­ness.

Respectfully Yours, -

It is to be said, in comment on the above, that in the office in question there is no operator under twenty, and that a careful inquiry has established the fact, that though this is the'«ase, besides the disturbances spoken of above, two at least are sufferers from dysmenorrhea, and two from occasional menorrhagia which always im­proves on taking a vacation.