Sir Wm. Foster Stawell, Knt., Chief Justice.

Sir Redmond Barry, Chairman of Com­mission.

The Hon. C. Gavan Duffy, M.P.

The Hon. W. M. K. Vale, M.P.

The Hon. Howard Spensley, M.P.

The Hon. W. H. F. Mitchell, M.L.C. The Hon. Sir Francis Murphy.

The Hon. C. J. Jenner, M.L.C.

The Hon. K. C. Hope. M.L.C.

The Hon. T. H. Fellows, M.P.

The Hon. S. H. Bindon.

The Hon. J. T. Smith, ALP.

James Macbain, Esq., ALP.

William Williams, Esq., M.P.

Joseph Jones, Esq., M.P.

The Count de Castelnau.

D. C. Macarthur, Esq.

Charles E. Bright, Esq.

The Rev. J. I. Bleasdale, D.D.

W. W. Wardell, Esq.

Samuel Ramsden, Esq.

I George Bencraft, Esq.

I Paul de Castella, Esq. j Thomas Lambert, Esq.

I Hugh Parker, Esq. j Matthew MCaw, Esq.

| Samuel Sextus Ritchie, Esq.

The Hon. Robert Ramsay, M.P.

James B. Patterson, Esq., M.P. Orlando Fenwick, Esq.

The Hon. Sir Gko. F. V erdon, K.C.M.G., C.B.

The Hon. J. OShanassy, M.L.C., C.M.G. T. J. Sumner, Esq.

Emil Thoneman, Esq.

Thomas OGrady, Esq.

George Collins Levey, Secretary.


