thread. Prom Stockyard Reef, Whroo. (Attached to the Antimony Ore is some of the bounding rock of the vein). 3G5 Ferruginous Antimony Ochre. Upon assay it gave 318 per cent, of antimony. It was got from the foot wall of the lode in the 60 feet level at llingwood, near Melbourne

366 Antimony and Iron Ores in Quartz. The greater part of the

Antimony is in the crystalline parts of the specimen and in the joints. From a reef which contains gold. The specimen was got from 87 feet in depth in a cross reef at the Antimony Mines of Ringwood. The lode was 18 inches in thickness


367 Blende (Sulphide of Zinc), with small crystals of Iron

Pyrites. An assay for silver yielded results equal to 3 ozs. 5 dwts. of silver per ton. From the 400 feet level in the Western Reef, Chrysolite Ilill, St. Arnaud. This Reef is 4 feet in width


368 Galena (Sulphide of Lead) with Bleischweif (Antimonial

Galena). The purer portion of the sample gave about 72 per cent, of Lead. The poorer part containing most antimony, 65 per cent, of lead, and 7 ozs. of silver per ton of ore. The other portion of the sample gave 63 per cent, of lead and 15 ozs. of silver per ton of ore. From Gipps Land

369 Galena. From the Buchan Lead and Silver Mine at Buchan,

Gipps Land

370 Galena. Sulphide of Lead, with Sulphide of Antimony.

One part of the sample yielded 23 ozs. 7 dwts, 18 grs. of silver per ton and 48 per cent, of le id; another portion yielded 20 per cent, of lead and 7 ozs. 1 dwt. of silver per ton of ore. From Buchan

371 Galena, with Pyrites, from a lode at Percydale. The reef is

from 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches in width, and is well defined. Its strike is N. 35 deg. W., and its dip about 63 deg. S.W. An analysis of a sample of ore from this vein gaveLead, 20 per cent.; iron, 30 per cent.; sulphur, 41 per cent.; zinc, 3 per cent., &c.


372 Cobalt, with Manganese Ore. From Gipps Land


373 Manganese Ore. Variety of Wad. A qualitative analysis

gave manganese, iron, alumina, lime, and baryta. In