The congress of women held in the Woman's building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U.S.A.,1893 : with portraits, biographies, and addresses, published by authority of the Board of Lady Managers / edited by Mary Kavanaugh Oldham Eagle
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Gods Thought of Woman_Mrs. Anna

Rankin Riggs. 813

Goethe and Schiller.. Miss Mary Virginia Keene . 194


Harmonious Adjustment Through Exercise..

Mrs. Minna Gordon Gould. 660

Harmonious Culture.Miss Ida K. Hinds 438

Henrik Ibsen and Bjornstjerne Bjornson-

. Mrs. Nicoline Bech Meyer. 243

Higher Education and the Home-Mrs. E.

R. Sunderland. 318

Higher Lessons of the Worlds Fair_

Mrs. Lucinda H. Stone. 446

Higher Womanhood, The..Mrs. Caroline F.

Corbin. 326

Historic Women of Egypt. .Mrs. Caroline G.

Reed. 240

Home and Its Foundations, The. .Rev. Annis

Ford Eastman. 612

Home of the Future, The... Miss L. C. McGee 249 Home Side of Progress, The. .Mrs. Clara Hol­brook Smith. 332

Homer and His Poems... .Mrs. Nina Morais

Cohen.. 113

Household Economics. .Mrs. Laura S. Wilkin­son . 233

How Can We Aid?.Mrs. Agnes L.

dArcambal . 148


Ideal Home for Children, An..Mrs. Kate O.

Miller. 782

Influence of Great Women of the Past.. .Mrs.

Mary Newbury Adams. 342

Industrial Revolution of the Last Century,

Industrial Women.Mrs. Electa Bullock 510

Intelligent Treatment of the Body-Mrs.

Marie Mott Gage. 737

International Arbitration.... Miss Eleanor

Lord. 281

Ishmaelite of Oklahoma, The..Mrs. Selwyn

Douglas. 383

Is Woman the Weaker Vessel?..Mrs. Sarah

Eddy Palmer. 432

Italian Women of the Country, The.

Countess Cora Slocomb di Brazza. 697


Justice and Freedom for All_Princess M.

Schahovskoy. 569


Katharina in the Taming of the Shrew orThe Rights of Men.. Mrs. Emma Pratt Mott.. 544 Kindergarten as a Character Builder, The...

Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper. 296

Kindergarten, The.Mrs. Virginia Thrall

Smith. 178


Labor Dignified, Is.Mrs. Lenora Marie

Lake. 508

Landmarks.Rev. Antoinette B. Black-

well . 633


Land We Love, The. .Mrs. Mary L. Gaddess 221

Law and Women_Mrs. Maria Purdy Peck 623

Legal Condition of Women in 14921892

.Miss Mary A. Greene 41

Legal Profession for Women, The.Mrs.

Wenona Branch Sawyer. 273

Leper, The.Miss Kate Marsden 213

Life and Times of Isabelle of Castile_Miss

Loraine P. Bucklin. 450

Life of an Artist.Miss Katherine Cohen 428

Lincoln and Farragut.Mrs. Vinnie Ream

Hoxie. 603

Literature for Young People.. .Prof. Cora M,

McDonald. 264

Looking Backwards.Miss Kirstine Fred-

ericsen... 237


Margaret Fuller. .Mrs. Celia Parker Woolley 763

Medical Profession for Women, The.Dr.

Freeda M. Lankton. 268

Marriage Prospects in Germany.Miss

Käthe Schirmaches. 181

Mexico.Miss Virginia Villafuerte 406

Monologue as an Entertainment, The.. .Miss

Jennie ONeil Potter. 682

Months in Old Mexico, Four.. .Mrs. Caroline

Wescott Romney. 579

Moorish Women as I Found Them.. .Mrs. A.

L. Howard. 463

Moors of Spain, The.Mrs. Ellen Harrell-

Cantrell. 253

Municipal Suffrage for Women in Michigan .Miss Octavia Williams Bates 664


Nationalism.Mrs. Lillian Cantrell-Bay 260

Need of a Great College in the South_Miss

Clara Conway. 402

Needlework as Taught in Stockholm_Mile.

Hulda Lundin . 104

Nervous American, The. .Mrs. Martha Cleve­land Dibble. 704

New Field for Women, A.Mrs. Julia

Edwards Sherman. 670

New Liberty Bell, The.Miss Alice A.

Mitchell. 405

Next Step in the Education of the Deaf, The

.Miss Mary S. Garrett 443

Next Thing in Education, The_Mrs. Mary

Lowe Dickinson... 637

Nineteenth Century, The. .Mrs. Whiton Stone 101 Norway and the Midnight Sun.. Mrs. A. A. F.

Johnston. 555

Noted Writers of the South, A Few_Mrs. J.

W. Drury. 471

Not Things, but Women.Mrs. C. B. Pit-

blado. 793

Novel as an Educator of the Imagination, The

.Miss May Rogers 586


Opening Address.Mrs. Potter Palmer 25

Organized Motherhood.Mrs. Lide Meri-

weather. 747

Our Neighbors, the Alaskan Women_Mrs.

Clara A. McDiarmid. 723