The congress of women held in the Woman's building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U.S.A.,1893 : with portraits, biographies, and addresses, published by authority of the Board of Lady Managers / edited by Mary Kavanaugh Oldham Eagle
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Pacific Northwest, The.Abigail Scott

Duniway. 90

Peace.Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lease 412

Philanthropy for Girls in Paris. ..Mme. Marie

Marshall.. 211

Piano Playing without Piano Practice. . .Miss

Mary V. Hayes... 474

Pioneer Women of Oregon-Mrs. Elizabetl

M. Wilson. 203

Poetry of the Stars.Miss Mary Proctor 301

Portrait of Mrs. Potter Palmer. 816

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony. 787

Possibilities of the Southern States.Mrs.

Sallie Rhett Roman. 535

Power and Purposes of Women, The.... Mrs.

Helen L. Bullock. 143

Presentation of Portrait. ..Mrs. Mary S. Lock-

wood . 816

Preventive Medicine.. .Dr. Mary E. Donohue 727 Progress of Fifty Years, The.. Mrs. Lucy Stone 58


Samoa; Its People and Their Customs... .Mrs.

E. J. Ormsbee. 590

Self-Support Problem, A.. .Miss Julia S. Tut-

wiler. 36

Serving One Another.Mrs. Ashley Carus-

Wilson. 651

Signs of the Times.Miss Alisan Wilson 488

Sketch of Home Life in Iceland, A. .Mme.

Sirgrid E. Magnusson. 521

Spdnish-American Neighbors, Our.Mrs.

Anna A. Dodd. 754

St. Catherine of Siena.Hon. Mrs. Arthur

Pelham. 576

Study in Goethes Faust, A.Mrs. Mary H.

Peabody. 205

Study of Greek Art, A.... Mrs. Sarah Amelia

Scull. 423

Swiss Customs.Miss Cecile Gohl 316

Symmetrical Womanhood.Mrs. Wesley

Smith. 217


Talk, A.Miss Kate Field 77

Tempted Woman, The.Mrs. Isabel Wing

Lake. 574

Turkish Compassionate Fund, The. .Mme. C.

Zacaroff. 618


University Extension.. Rev. Augusta J. Chapin 393 Unveiling of Portrait.... Mrs. James P. Eagle 816


Virginia Women of Our Day, The.. Mrs. Mary

Stuart Smith. 408

Vocal Art.Mrs. Thora K. Bjorn 740

Vocal Art, Extracts From. .Dr. M. Augusta

Brown. 477

Voice Culture.Mme. Louisa Cappiani 500



We, the Women .Miss Cara Reese 328

What the Women of Kansas are Doing To­day.Mrs. Eugene Ware 277

Who Are the Builders.Mrs. Jonnie Allen

George. 388

Wife of Blennerhassett, The.Mrs. Mary

T. W. Curwen. 165

Woman and Household Labor-Mrs. Mary

Hess Hull ....609

Woman and Religion.Rev. Ida C. Hultin 788

Woman as a Financier.. Mrs. M. A. Lipscomb 469

Woman as an Investor.. Mrs. Louise A. Stark­weather . 62

Woman in an Ideal Government. .Mrs. K. V.

Grinnell. 628

Woman in Journalism_Mrs. Mary Temple

Bayard. 435

Woman in Music .Mrs. Gaston Boyd 570

Women in Politics.Mrs. J. Ellen Foster 668

Woman in the Greek Drama. .Mrs. Julia Ward

Howe. 102

Woman, the Inciter to Reform. .Mrs. Minnie

D. Louis. 539

Woman, the New Factor in Economics.

Rev. Augusta Cooper Bristol. 80

Woman Who Has Come, The.. Mrs. Charlotte

Holt. 190

Womans Awakenment.. Mrs. Anna S. Green 649

Womans Life in Asiatic Turkey. .Miss Mary

P. Wright... 305

Womans Place in the Republic of Letters.

Mrs. Annie Nathan Meyer. 135

Womans Sphere from a Womans Standpoint

.Mrs. Laura de Force Gordon 74

Womans Work in Kentucky.. .Mrs. Eugenie

Dunlap Potts. 562

Women as Political Economists. .Mrs. Brain-

erd Fuller. 491

Women Citizens and People? Are.Mrs.

Emily B. Ketcham. 361

Women in Sacred Song_Mrs. Eva Munson

Smith. 416

Women of Bohemia, The.Madame Josefa

Humpal Zeman . 127

Women in Modern Italy.Signora Fanny

Zampini Salazar. 157

Womens National Indian Association, The..

Mrs. Amelia S. Quinton. 71

Women of the South.. . .Mrs. S. C. Trueheart 804

Women Writers of California, The.Mrs.

Ellen Sterling Cummins. 184

Wonders of Nature and Art in Spain.

Senorita Catalina de Alcala. 398


Young Women of the South, The. .Mrs. Jean

Loughborough Douglass. 733


Zuni Scalp Ceremonial, The.... Mrs. Matilda Coxe Stevenson. 484